quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2009

Exercícios para o 9º ano

1. Answer the questions into the negative and affirmative forms. Use complete answers.

1. Did Jennifer find her notebook in her bedroom?

2. Did Peter bring me candies last Saturday?

3. Did you wake up late last Sunday?

2. Answer the questions. Use complete answers.

1. Where did Peter spend his vacation last month?

2. Where did you buy that notebook?

3. What did Sue find behind the door?

4. How many books did you read last year?

5. Did he drive to Fortaleza last week?

6. Did Sally find her blouse in the park yesterday?

7. Did you like Queen concert?

8. Did you meet anybody you knew at school?

9. Did you buy James Blunt’s new CD?

10. Did she talk about you?

3. Answer the questions into the negative and affirmative forms. Use complete answers.

1. Did James Blunt study at a university?

2. Did Jack Johnson serve in Kosovo?

4. Answer the questions. Use complete answers and your imagination.

1. What did Peter do on Monday?

2. When did they eat in a restaurant?

3. What did you do on Saturday?

4. Did you play any sports yesterday?

5. Did you come back home early yesterday?

5. Supply the Simple Past Tense.

1. She ____________ (bring) many friends to my house.
2. Sally _____________ (lose) her book yesterday.
3. Bob ______________ (come) home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
4. We ______________ (make) a delicious cake last week.
5. I _______________ (meet) him yesterday night.
6. Patrick ______________ (send) an e-mail for me five minutes ago.

6. Turn into negative and interrogative form.

1. Sandra has seem him before.
Neg. _________________________________________
Inter. ________________________________________

2. Catherine has invited her friends to the party.
Neg. _________________________________________
Inter. ________________________________________

3. The girls have talked to their roommates.
Neg. _________________________________________
Inter. ________________________________________

4. Peter and Mike have gone to their neighbor’s party.
Neg. _________________________________________
Inter. ________________________________________

5. Carol has taken care of the children.
Neg. _________________________________________
Inter. ________________________________________

7. Answer the questions. Use SINCE or FOR

1. How long have you studied in this school? (nine years)

2. How long has she known her best friend? (2001)

3. How long has he had English classes? (three years)

4. How long has she lived there? (2008)

8. Correct the wrong sentences.

1. Have you attended the French classes for 2000?

2. Have the children come here for four years?

3. I has been here for one hour.

4. Mary has live in New York since she was born.

5. John has known his best friend since 2003.

9. Make 2 sentences using the SIMPLE PAST TENSE and 2 sentences using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. USE THE GIVEN VERBS.

Study ________________________________________

Live _________________________________________

Buy _________________________________________

Read ________________________________________

Exercícios para o 8º ano

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is Sarah playing now? _______________________________________
2. Are you from Australia? __________________________________________
3. Who is talking to you? ___________________________________________
4. What is your first name? _________________________________________
5. Where are your friends? _________________________________________
6. Are you tired? _________________________________________________

2. Answer the questions. Use complete answers.

1. What kind of music do you like?

2. Mary plays the piano and Tim plays the violin. Who plays the saxophone?

3. Are you going to listen to Classical Music?

4. Can you play the electric guitar?

5. Did you arrive at school at 7 o’clock last Monday?

6. Did you travel to New York last year?

7. Did you help your mom yesterday night?

8. Did your father work last Friday?

9. Did your sister invite her friends to her birthday party?

3. Correct the sentences.

1. Do Peter always eat meat for lunch?

2. I and my cousin is studying French.

3. Does Samantha buys a new red dress?

4. I has music classes on Mondays and Thursdays.

5. I usually goes to the club with my sister.

6. Rick study classical music.

7. I does my homework every night.

8. She watch TV and goes to bed at ten o’clock.

4. Answer the questions. Use short answers.

1. Did you arrive late yesterday? _____________________________
2. Did they call any friends? _________________________________
3. Did he travel to Jamaica alone? ____________________________
4. Did she watch the film? ____________________________________
5. Did you wash the clothes? __________________________________
6. Did Sally clean her bedroom? ________________________________

5. Make sentences in the Simple Past Tense.

1. Dominic / listen to

2. They / study

3. Sarah / watch

4. Maggie / did not / visit

5. Peter / did not / call

6. We / help

7. I / did not / play

8. He / stay


1. Meg (cook) ____________ dinner last night.
2. Jennifer and I (dance) ____________ at the new disco yesterday.
3. Samantha (close) _____________ the door five minutes ago.
4. Mike (want) ______________ his books last week.
5. School (start) ______________ in February last year.
6. They (clean) _______________ their bedroom yesterday.


1. Tom and Cathy don’t study in the afternoon.

2. Beth and Carol don’t carry the trash can to the yard.

3. Does Raphael study French in the morning?

4. They don’t arrive at 6 o’clock.


1. John – play – did – Monday – what – 2 – o’clock - ? – at - on

2. yesterday – arrive – here – you - ? – did

9. Make sentences with the given verbs in the SIMPLE PAST TENSE.

1. Like _____________________________________________________

2. Help _____________________________________________________


Exercícios para o 6º ano

1. Write in Portuguese.

a. Happy _________________
b. Ugly _________________
c. Pretty _________________
d. Handsome ________________
e. Beautiful _______________
f. Hungry __________________
g. Old ____________________
h. New ____________________
i. Small _________________
j. Big ___________________

2. Complete.

My first name is _____________________
My last name is _____________________
The name of my school is ___________________________________
My phone number is __________________

3. Write the numbers in English.

1 ___________________ 6 ____________________
2 ___________________ 7 ____________________
3 ___________________ 8 ____________________
4 ___________________ 9 ____________________
5 ___________________ 10 ____________________

4. Draw.

Eight flowers

Five boys

Three books

One dog

Seven pizzas

Four books

5. Answer the questions.

1. What is your name? ________________________________________
2. What is your favorite color? ______________________________
3. What is the name of your school? __________________________
4. What is your classroom number? ____________________________
5. Is the desk white? ________________________________________
6. Is the English book blue? _________________________________
7. Are the window and the door brown and big? ___________________
8. Is your schoolbag red and yellow? ____________________________
9. What color is your pencil case?_______________________________
10. What color is your T-shirt? _________________________________

6. Answer the questions into negative and affirmative forms.

1. Are you Stephan?
Negat. ____________________________________________________

2. Is he Ben Sommer?
Affirm. ___________________________________________________
Negat. ____________________________________________________

3. Are they brothers?
Affirm. ___________________________________________________
Negat. ____________________________________________________

4. Is she your sister?
Affirm. ___________________________________________________
Negat. ____________________________________________________

7. Making questions using WHO:

1. she
She is my mother.

2. he
He is my best friend.

8. Complete with HE or SHE.

1. That is Peter. ______ is a good student.
2. This is Sally. _____ is my friend.
3. That is Marcos. ______ is from Brazil.
4. This is Francis. _______ is Daniel’s friend.
5. That is Martha. _______ is Meg’s friend.
6. That is Catherine. _______ is Paul’s friend.

9. Write in English.

1. Três lápis pretos. _______________________________________
2. Uma mochila azul. ________________________________________
3. Cinco borrachas. _________________________________________
4. Sete cadernos. ___________________________________________
5. Duas réguas amarelas. ____________________________________
6. Nove canetas. ____________________________________________

10. Answer the questions using the given words.

1. What color is your T-shirt? (blue)

2. What color are your pencils? (yellow and green)

3. What color is your book? (red)

4. What color is your schoolbag? (black and blue)

5. What color are your pencil sharpeners? (purple)

6. What color is your mechanical pencil? (white)